Started by Tiralmo

Red, cyan and yellow in goldenrod for blue (4 5)

RARE(=red)+C+AND+Y = item purchased in Goldenrod Radio Tower for Blue Card points

Submitted by Tiralmo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5022 Red, cyan and yellow in goldenrod for blue (4 5) RARE(=red)+C+AND+Y = item purchased in Goldenrod Radio Tower for Blue Card points Tiralmo 4
5011 Undercooked celery skin: it could take things to the next level? (4 5) RARE (undercooked) C AND Y (outside letters of celery... slightly sus) = item that increases pokémon level by 1 quatrevingtneuf 3
5012 Unique, first canvas by Warhol is like the one with the golden ticket (4, 5) RARE + C + ANDY Firetruck 1
5013 Beat red canary for level-up item (4, 5) REDCANARY* = level-up item (think beat as in whisk) Sp3000 0
5015 Generation-V reviver Newman who sings about Maple comeback (4, 5) RANDY (Newman who sings) about ACER<
RA(RECA<)NDY = Generation-V reviver
Timwi 0