Started by prawo

Austrian scientist primarily sheltering Californian hard rock band right to leave ring within extremes of underground unrecognisable, unclear (9 or 11)

Austrian scientist = S_ C_ H_ R_ + O + _D((-r)ING)_E _R
Unclear = A_ (M(-r)BIG + U_(O)U_ ) S_

Submitted by Sp3000

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
555 Austrian scientist primarily sheltering Californian hard rock band right to leave ring within extremes of underground unrecognisable, unclear (9 or 11) Austrian scientist = S_ C_ H_ R_ + O + _D((-r)ING)_E _R
Unclear = A_ (M(-r)BIG + U_(O)U_ ) S_
Sp3000 6
524 Book that starts with "I" describes alternatives to gourd, but having penultimate section moved to front in perverse completion with an absent finale, giving indistinct readings (9 or 11) Book that starts with "I" = BIO or CHING
describes (contains)
alternatives to gourd, but having penultimate section moved to front = from RGOUD, either _G_U_ or R_O_D
perverse completion with an absent finale = (SUM+A(-n))< or RES(-t)<
(A+M(BI(_G_U_)O)US)< or (-t)S(CH(R_O_D)ING)ER<
prawo 5
538 In an uncertain fashion, I'm a detailed puss/box guy; single lead character of programmer ignored in shuffle (9/11) In an uncertain fashion: AMBIGUOUS
I'M A: fodder 1
detailed puss/box guy: PUS(s) BO(x) GU(y): fodder 2
single lead character of programmer: P_
ignored [from fodder 2]: (-p)USBOGU

In an uncertain fashion, I'm a detailed puss/box guy: SCHRODINGER
single lead: S_
character of programmer: CHR
IGNORED in shuffle: ODINGER*
AuLeaf 4
522 Diego's stranger? No! Embraced Basher's slight character, embraced initially united country where Putin more or less decides elections for such a clue as this (9/11) Diego's stranger? No!: Sp. for friend; AMIGO
Embraced: container/content indicator Basher's slight character: B_
embraced: cont/cont indicator
initially united: U_
country where Putin more or less decides elections: US

DIEGOS stranger: SODIGE*
No embraced: N included
Basher's slight character embraced: CHR (abbv for character) included
initially: first letter of
united country where Putin more or less calls elections: RUSSIA

def: such a clue as this
AuLeaf 3
550 A mammal-boxing famed dude striking chords, without energy, in primarily grey region (9/11) A mammal: A MOUSE
boxing: container/contents indicator
famed: BIG
dude striking chords: (d)U(d)(e) [striking as in "crossing out"; chords ref letters A-G]
without energy: A+M(BIG+U)OUS(e)
in primarily grey region: AMBIGUOUS

A mammal-boxing famed dude: SCHRODINGER
striking chords: SCHROD* ["striking" as anagrind, as in "unusual"]
without energy, ...: container/contents indicator [without X, Y => Y going outside X construction]
in: IN
primarily grey region: G_+R_
AuLeaf 3