BOW OUT (3, 3)

Started by edderiofer

What rickety legs do: step down (3,3)

Double definition:
"What rickety legs do": Legs of people affected with rickets BOW OUT.
"step down": This is a synonym for "BOW OUT".

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
586 What rickety legs do: step down (3,3) Double definition:
"What rickety legs do": Legs of people affected with rickets BOW OUT.
"step down": This is a synonym for "BOW OUT".
edderiofer 5
582 Withdraw, expressed pain in fight (3, 3) "withdraw" = B(OW)OUT phenomist 4
583 Retreat, like a ship with only its stern? (3,3) ddef, punny edderiofer 4
584 Leave tail parts of rainbow trout? (3, 3) Hidden-ish clue, taking right sides of rainBOW trOUT Sp3000 4
604 Tyre puncture kills learner, makes one retire (3,3) B(-l)OW OUT edderiofer 3
592 Quit staff without essential scrutiny (3, 3) BO+WO+_UT_ madjaqk 2
598 Strike, pound, roll, fight... and leave (3,3) roll, fight = BOWL+BOUT. Strike pound = -LB prawo 2
581 owo in ass~~~?! destroy rear and pack it in~~~~!!! (3,3) Def: "pack it in", slang for "bow out" or "quit"

Wordplay: "owo in ass" = B(OWO)UTT

"destroy rear" = (-t)

edderiofer 1
585 Stop it, the knot isn’t in! (3, 3) Stop it: def
knot: BOW
not in: OUT
wolf 1
600 Giving way after "*notices stronger competition*" but around before "What's this?" (3, 3) Giving way after "*notices stronger competition*" = def, as in e.g. withdrawing to allow someone stronger playing for you

Before "What's this?" = OWO, the furry meme
BUT around ... = B+OWO+UT
chaotic_iak 1