Started by Sp3000

Began to be congratulated on reducing onset of disease fivefold (9)

COMMENDED (congratulated), D (onset of disease) -> C (500 > 100) = began

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5554 Began to be congratulated on reducing onset of disease fivefold (9) COMMENDED (congratulated), D (onset of disease) -> C (500 > 100) = began quatrevingtneuf 1
5530 Launched fish to eat male humans around half-past ten (9) CO(M+MEN+C(circa)+tEn)D Firetruck 0
5536 Carbon-copied around half of a German welcome to be initiated (9) C((-willk)OMMEN)CED dohz 0