Started by Firetruck

Outer bits of peeled garlic and oil, blended! (5)



Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5753 Outer bits of peeled garlic and oil, blended! (5) _A_I_+(OLI*)

dohz 3
5749 Robot-manipulated oil sauce (5) AI+(OIL)* TangentOfA 2
5743 Oddly, an iron-loin sauce (5) AnIrOnLoIn mstang107 0
5744 Garlic sauce for a violin without edges (5) A+(-V)IOLI(-N) Jenna 0
5754 Speaking mode lost in mayonnaise (5) "AEOLIAN" - "IN" Firetruck 0