Started by prawo

Informant's vague wish to fight back the more corrupt

(sorta had this in mind when I started the contest)
vague wish = WHIS*, fight back = BELT<, more corrupt = LOWER

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
691 Informant's vague wish to fight back the more corrupt (sorta had this in mind when I started the contest)
vague wish = WHIS*, fight back = BELT<, more corrupt = LOWER
prawo 3
666 Referee of game interrupts gloat with loss (13) Def: "Referee" = WHISTLE-BLOWER
"game" = WHIST
"gloat" = LEER
"loss" = BLOW
"interrupts X with Y" = containment indicator

edderiofer 2
668 Fraud-exposing Agent Black let down after plant makes cross central character of network (13) Black: B
let down: LOWER
plant: THISTLE
makes cross [into] central character of network: change T into _W_

fraud-exposing agent: definition for (t→W)HISTLE+B+LOWER
Deusovi 2
667 Police restricted after result found in overwatch of `while(accepting){...essentialy, excludes break...}`? (13) "Police" = WHI(_S(TLE)B_)L(OW)E+R
TLE: "time limit exceeded", or what would happen if you tried to put a while(true){} loop without a break statement inside and submit it to a programming contest
phenomist 0