ERA (3)

Started by Firetruck

Time is, for many, running backwards (3)


Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5877 Time is, for many, running backwards (3) ARE< Firetruck 5
5879 The Spanish was in Veracruz (3) The Spanish "was": def
in Veracruz: _ERA_
wolf 3
5887 Period reshaping boundless years (3) period = def

reshaping = anagram indicator
boundless years = _ear_ => ERA*
majickace 3
5874 Partly erased time period (3) ERA__ summitwei 2
5878 Strange area without a time (3) _ARE(-A)_ WoomyRogue 2
5907 Regularly begroan age (3) _E_R_A_ dohz 1