Started by Koala

Warlock couple goes in to badly shake up one of two griffins (7)

badly shake: SEAHK*
Warlock couple goes in to... up: containing (AW<)

one of two [G]riffins: linebacker Shaquem or cornerback Shaquill

Submitted by prawo

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
692 Warlock couple goes in to badly shake up one of two griffins (7) badly shake: SEAHK*
Warlock couple goes in to... up: containing (AW<)

one of two [G]riffins: linebacker Shaquem or cornerback Shaquill
prawo 2
671 Make a loud noise, don't quit halfway and give one hundred percent in the best football team in the nation (7) The best football team in the nation = SQUAWK (make a loud noise) - QU (quit, halfway) including (in) EACH (percent) - C (give one hundred) Akumu 1