BAD (3)

Started by edderiofer

Wicked black spot (3)

On a related note:

Submitted by InvalidD

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6055 Wicked black spot (3) B+AD
On a related note:
InvalidD 2
6026 Troubadour held a Michael Jackson performance (3) _BAD_ dohz 1
6027 Dirty Beyoncé commercial (3) (def) + "B ad" Cheshire 1
6034 Singer Benatar voiced a Michael Jackson song (3) Singer Benatar = PAT, but voice all the consonants SoftFro 1
6046 Criminal baaed, oddly (3) Criminal (adj) = B_A_D Tiralmo 1
6061 Spoiled like some dogs (3) ddef (spoiled | like some dogs) feyt 1
6014 Do a meme dance in reverse, poorly (3) poorly = bad (can be an adverb)
do a meme dance = dab
Kit 0
6017 Partial award for quintuple chart-topping album (3) BAD(-ge) edderiofer 0
6021 Good and evil (3) Ddef (bad in slang = good, abd bad=evil) Firetruck 0