Started by AuLeaf

Force vedette's composition #12 to be sung? (11)

Defn: "Force" = CENTRIFUGAL
"vedette" = SENTRY
"composition #12" = FUGUE L
"to be sung" = homophone indicator

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
704 Force vedette's composition #12 to be sung? (11) CENTRIFUGAL = "SENTRY FUGUE L"
Defn: "Force" = CENTRIFUGAL
"vedette" = SENTRY
"composition #12" = FUGUE L
"to be sung" = homophone indicator
edderiofer 2
720 Out of college, argue fictional sort of policeman ultimately hides within arguably fictional sort of force (11) out of college: ARGUE+FICT(-iona)L [ref Iona college]
sort of: *ARGUEFICTL
policemaN ultimately hides within: CE(N)TRIFUGAL*
arguably fictional sort of force: CENTRIFUGAL [centrifugal force only exists in a rotating reference frame, and doesn't exist relative to an inertial frame of reference]
AuLeaf 1
722 Force broken clarinet to accomodate retreating sound (allow no loss) (11) CENTRI(F[-l]UG<)AL* [="Force"]
broken clarinet = CENTRIAL*, retreating sound = GULF reversed, (allow no loss) = remove L
level 1
707 As scientists say today, flaring out wildly away from hub! (11) As scientists say today = C(ommon) E(ra), flaring out wildly away from hub = NTRIFUGAL(-o)*, &lit prawo 0