Started by chaotic_iak

Exit stairs (6)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
745 Exit stairs (6) ddef AuLeaf 3
751 Loud and soft plane journey (6) wordplay F+LIGHT (loud and soft)

definition FLIGHT (plane journey)
edderiofer 2
750 Escape battle with largest initiative (6) Escape = F(L_)IGHT Akumu 1
754 Escape with Betty White (some would suggest), retreating to Hotel Fantasy center (6) Betty White (some would suggest), retreating = GILF<
Hotel Fantasy center = H+_T_
prawo 1
752 Crushed? Alright fight alternative! (6) &lit: (_L_I_H_F_G_T)* phenomist 0