Started by Firetruck

Noble rule proclaimed something useless to many (7)


Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6540 Noble rule proclaimed something useless to many (7) "DUKE LAW" Firetruck 2
6539 Reverend Spooner's indicated reverent astonishment at vestigial midleg appendage (7) Spoonerism of CLUED AWE -> DEWCLAW AuLeaf 0
6541 Rear paw appendage that is removed to make harmless (7) rear paw = W
to make harmless = DECLAW
&lit = DE(-W)CLAW

("appendage" a part that is joined to something larger, so using here to mean "letter" that is part of the word...)
majickace 0
6557 Puppy's removal from drinking establishment was initially a cause for tears (7) "Puppy's removal" = D_+E_+W_+CLAW chrisjones 0