Started by phenomist

Mao remade virus: "lol im ded" (5)

"Mao remade" def (Fluxx is a variant of Mao)
"lol im ded" = X.X in texts

Submitted by chrisjones

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6558 Mao remade virus: "lol im ded" (5) "Mao remade" def (Fluxx is a variant of Mao)
"lol im ded" = X.X in texts
chrisjones 3
6543 Card game hand beating a straight and pair of 10's has no hearts nor spades (5) Card game = FLUSH ("hand beating a straight") + XX ("pair of 10's") -H -S ("has no hearts nor spades") = FLU(-sh)XX Sp3000 1
6560 Looney labs' creation fits light unit in special effects (5) LUX in FX InvalidD 1