RING (4)

Started by Idontknow

Surround sound (4)

ddef: "surround" as in encircle, "sound" as in make noise

Submitted by Penzo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6647 Surround sound (4) ddef: "surround" as in encircle, "sound" as in make noise Penzo 3
6651 Rng with identity! (4) R(I)NG, &lit edderiofer 1
6652 Ring without identity, with identity! (4) R(I)(-i)NG, &lit edderiofer 1
6653 Rng with identity, without identity, with identity! (4) R(I)(-i)(I)NG, &lit WoomyRogue 1
6670 Gang’s wicked grin (4) RING* dohz 1
6672 “Hug!” [cringes internally] (4) _RING_ dohz 1
6649 Call round (4) (ddef)
"Call" as in to phone someone
"Round" as in to "round up"
short_c1rcuit 0
6650 Loop pool (4) ddef

pool = RING, as in price ring (obscure def, i know)
dohz 0