I M PEI (1, 1, 3)

Started by Firetruck

Bratty kid that is coming back for planner (1,1,3)


Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6786 Bratty kid that is coming back for planner (1,1,3) IMP + IE< Firetruck 2
6787 Architect to force the end to appear uncapitalized (1, 1, 3) IMPEL->I M PEI, L turns into an I (it looks uncapitalized) phenomist 1
6789 Architect does Mii fitness class horribly (1, 1, 3) MII+PE* WoomyRogue 1
6805 Oddly, I am a poetic architect (1, 1, 3) I_M_P_E_I_ dohz 1