Started by ev3commander

Poise has instinctual desires and, primarily, it can be used to reach new heights (8)

Defn: It can be used to reach new heights, since GRACIDEA can make Shaymin go to Sky Forme


Poise = GRACE
instinctual desires = ID
and primarily = A

Submitted by Madmahogany

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6939 Poise has instinctual desires and, primarily, it can be used to reach new heights (8) Defn: It can be used to reach new heights, since GRACIDEA can make Shaymin go to Sky Forme


Poise = GRACE
instinctual desires = ID
and primarily = A
Madmahogany 1
6934 Rocky crag with a view of a platinum flower (8) CRAG*+IDEA WoomyRogue 0