LIMA (4)

Started by chaotic_iak

Letter from sorted mail (4)

(MAIL)* = LIMA (letter in the NATO Phonetic alphabet)

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
818 Letter from sorted mail (4) (MAIL)* = LIMA (letter in the NATO Phonetic alphabet) edderiofer 3
844 Square of one thou returned to Peruvian city (4) one thou: slang for one thousand
square of 1,000: 1,000,000
slang for a million: A MIL
returned: LIMA<
Peruvian city: def
AuLeaf 3
819 Bean found in caramel? I'm appalled! (4) _L IM A_ edderiofer 2
816 Setengah sepuluh Gubernur Ridwan kehilangan topi, berputar balik (4) | Half to ten Governor Ridwan lost hat, turned around (4) Cryptic is in Indonesian language

Setengah sepuluh (half of ten = five) = def
Gubernur Ridwan = KAMIL (Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil)
KAMIL kehilangan topi (lost hat) = AMIL (remove first letter)
AMIL berputar balik (turned around) = LIMA (reversal)
chaotic_iak 1
831 I replace note about Kuzco--briefly, a city (4) I replace note = LA->I
Kuzco, briefly = L(la->I)MA
prawo 1
854 Mike's neighbor hiding extremes of exciting point (4) Mike's neighbor = radio alphabet's LIMA
prawo 1
817 Country, like Mali, in shambles (4) (MALI)* = LIMA edderiofer 0
823 Bean an impoverished wild animal (4) Bean = (-an)IMAL* Akumu 0
857 I'm in the Spanish-speaking South American city (4) sort of &lit but not really
IM inside of LA (the, Spanish-speaking)
South American city: def for L(IM)A
wolf 0