Started by chaotic_iak

Played between uncovered heart and diamond in split to create new order (13)

Played=RAN, uncovered heart=(-h)EAR(-t), diamond=GEM, split=RENT
new order = R(_EAR_+RAN+GEM)ENT

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
874 Played between uncovered heart and diamond in split to create new order (13) Played=RAN, uncovered heart=(-h)EAR(-t), diamond=GEM, split=RENT
new order = R(_EAR_+RAN+GEM)ENT
prawo 2
862 Juggling initial timeslots with aim to have no one put on the back-burner? (13) juggling: def
initial timeslots: T
with aim: next to MEAN
to have no one: ME(-a)N+T
put on: going after
the back: REAR
burner?: RANGE
AuLeaf 1
867 Shuffling archers, perhaps, have tea? (13) Shuffling = REAR RANGE MEN (archers, perhaps) + T (tea) edderiofer 1
865 Confusion about picture hazily depicting green man (13) Confusion = RE+AR(RANGEMEN*)T prawo 0
873 Inequality kind of starting to target after people behind the back line (13) inequality kind = def ("rearrangement inequality")
starting to TARGET = T
people = MEN
back = REAR
line = RANGE
chaotic_iak 0