Started by Sp3000

In large part, a loss followed by a win informs the French counterpart of "Rocky" (10)

In large part = BULK containing
a loss followed by a win =L+WIN
informs the French = precedes LE
counterpart of "Rocky" = BUL(L+WIN)K+LE

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
892 In large part, a loss followed by a win informs the French counterpart of "Rocky" (10) In large part = BULK containing
a loss followed by a win =L+WIN
informs the French = precedes LE
counterpart of "Rocky" = BUL(L+WIN)K+LE
prawo 2
904 Colloquially, dangling thing under a cow or moose? (10) BULL WINKLE (slang for penis), ddef. edderiofer 1