Started by SKOG

Cartoon characters in Pakistani merchandise (5)


Submitted by Akumu

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
895 Cartoon characters in Pakistani merchandise (5) _ANI ME_ Akumu 4
897 For example, My Hero Academia's Mina gains energy after retreating (5) For example, My Hero Academia = ANIM< + E, "'s" is contraction of "is", not a possessive. Akumu 2
893 Cartoon set in a French city, mostly (5) A + NIME(-s) edderiofer 1
896 Bleach, for example, damages wingless remains (5) _(emain)*_ = ANIME (Bleach, for example) edderiofer 1
898 Cartoon with Maine setting (5) ANIME = MAINE* prawo 1
899 Maybe Charlotte is some woman I met (5) Hidden Sp3000 1
906 Ash captured Minun leaving international coalition back in Pokémon: Advanced Generation, perhaps (5) AE containing reversal of MIN(-un) AuLeaf 1
907 Perhaps Inuyasha and myself take out foremost demon, for one (5) AN(d->I) ME AuLeaf 1
894 why no season 2 of PSG yet (0) [This isn't a clue, it's just lamenting the fact that Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt doesn't have a season 2 yet.] edderiofer 0