EN GARDE (2, 5)

Started by theduckmedic

Toss up grenade and shout, announcing a challenge (2, 5)

Anagram("toss up") GRENADE to get a "shout announcing a challenge"

Submitted by Exalted

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7526 Toss up grenade and shout, announcing a challenge (2, 5) Anagram("toss up") GRENADE to get a "shout announcing a challenge" Exalted 3
7540 Crazy, angered cry of combat (2, 5) ANGERED* WoomyRogue 3
7527 Pull back in a certain direction and prepare to engage (2 5) DRAG reversed in ENE quatrevingtneuf 2
7549 Get ready to essentially tend to an incomplete garden (2, 5) _EN_+GARDE_ Neeerd 2
7528 "The most popular of teen bops: Savage Garden." Fight me (2, 5) "The most popular of TEEN BOPS": E is the most frequent letter in TEENBOPS
Firetruck 1
7539 Get ready, Gengar! Start off with Dream Eater, at first (2, 5) (-g)ENGAR+(D_+E_)

not putting the target to sleep first smh
dohz 1