Started by EricFox53
Reportedly, oily sludge to destroy a primitive organism (10)
Submitted by quatrevingtneuf
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
7543 | Reportedly, oily sludge to destroy a primitive organism (10) | hom. TAR DEGRADE | quatrevingtneuf | 2 |
7538 | Water bear to protect a business for the reverend (10) | “guard a trade” spoonerism iffy middle syllable, i know |
dohz | 1 |
7553 | Small animal ruining grade A dirt (10) | (GRADE+A+DIRT)* | Neeerd | 1 |
7554 | Microorganism Doctor's spaceship, replacing crystal heart with incline (10) | TARDIS("Doctor's spaceship"), with S->GRADE("incline") | Exalted | 0 |