Started by chaotic_iak

Second store is tiny (5)

second = S, as in the unit of time
store = MALL

tiny = def

Submitted by chaotic_iak

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
936 Second store is tiny (5) second = S, as in the unit of time
store = MALL

tiny = def
chaotic_iak 2
937 Everything after Gen VII starters is not important (5) everything = ALL
Gen VII starters = SM, as in Sun & Moon being the starting games of Gen VII Pokemon
ALL after SM = SMALL

Not important = def, as in "small detail" = "trivial detail"
chaotic_iak 2
934 Sam charmed ladies little (5) SMA*+LL prawo 1
935 Returning game piñatas taking a minute (5) game piñatas = LLAMAS, from Fortnite
Returning [...] taking a = S(-a)MALL
Definition: "minute" pronounced as my-noot
prawo 1
939 Short journey to exit shopping center (5) S(-trip) MALL AuLeaf 1
940 Around 50 blessed angels can fit on the head of a pin, perhaps? (5) (L + LAMBS (innocent youths) - B) reversed = SMALL
can fit on the head of a pin, perhaps? = def
skaldskaparmal 1