Started by phenomist

Incorrect processing of redfin or tuna in Spain, perhaps (5,6)

FALSE + (FRIEND)* = "tuna in Spain, perhaps"

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
941 Incorrect processing of redfin or tuna in Spain, perhaps (5,6) FALSE + (FRIEND)* = "tuna in Spain, perhaps" edderiofer 1
944 Fremder, perhaps?! (5,6) "Fremder" sounds like "friend" but is German for "stranger." Cryptically, a "friend" who turns out to be a stranger (? for indirectness), &lit. AuLeaf 1
947 Who might turn on one Spaniard's pan, perhaps? (5,6) who might turn on one: backstabber as cd for "friend" (q-mark for crypticness)
"pan" meaning "bread" as def by ex
AuLeaf 1
950 Demon takes torch, flares bright as hell to set an example (5,6) Demon takes = FIEND contains
torch, flares = FLARES*
bright as hell to set an example: "hell" is German for "bright", making a F(ALSEFR*)IEND
prawo 0