ANY (3)

Started by AuLeaf

"I don't care," said Tanya, making neither head nor tail of it (3)


Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1061 "I don't care," said Tanya, making neither head nor tail of it (3) _ANY_ edderiofer 2
1059 "Out of many, one" for instance? (3) _ANY_
one, for instance = any
wolf 1
1070 A new club? Whatever (3) A+N+Y madjaqk 1
1057 Three hearts from the black dingy abyss join to form the key to continue. (3) _A_ _N_ _Y_ (as in Press ANY key to continue) skaldskaparmal 0
1062 Meerkat escapes metal unit at random (3) AN(-timon)Y prawo 0
1071 Some type of bellybutton, they say (3) "innie" (as opposed to an outie) madjaqk 0