Started by rpl

Return to England with broken bike and hug a scarecrow (7)

England = UK
Return to = reversal indicator -> KU
broken = anagram indicator -> KU+EBIK
hug = O (Like XOXO) KU+EBIK+O
Kuebiko is a Shinto deity that takes the form of a scarecrow

Submitted by WoomyRogue

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8954 Return to England with broken bike and hug a scarecrow (7) England = UK
Return to = reversal indicator -> KU
broken = anagram indicator -> KU+EBIK
hug = O (Like XOXO) KU+EBIK+O
Kuebiko is a Shinto deity that takes the form of a scarecrow
WoomyRogue 2