Started by l_powell

Bad dog tore up present (7)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1204 Bad dog tore up present (7) CUR+RENT AuLeaf 5
1225 Copper line without lead transmitted electrical flow (7) Copper: CU
[railroad] line: RR
without lead, transmitted: (-s)ENT
electrical flow: CURRENT
AuLeaf 5
1228 Short festival in short stream (7) REN[aissance] in CURT prawo 2
1211 Eddy's summary about limit of outer space (7) summary = CURT (adj.)
limit of outer = _R
space = EN (typographical)
CUR(_R+EN)T = Eddy
level 1
1217 Mod's charge - going rate? (7) d&cd (ddef with def [mod] & cryptic def [charge-going rate]) AuLeaf 1