Started by sarathegood

Packing up coffee in boxed meal--real generous, dude (10)

up coffee=CAFE<, boxed meal=BENTO, real=R
generous dude = BEN(EFAC<)TO+R

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1247 Packing up coffee in boxed meal--real generous, dude (10) up coffee=CAFE<, boxed meal=BENTO, real=R
generous dude = BEN(EFAC<)TO+R
prawo 1
1271 Helper to enrobe badly and clothe truth (10) (BENE(FACT)OR)* edderiofer 1
1275 Good, Italian quality donor (10) BENE+FACTOR Darantius 1
1244 Angel Affleck, loud actor, has energy (10) Angel = definition
sarathegood 0
1245 Founding dad Franklin’s leading English and French performer or patron (10) BEN + E+ F + ACTOR l_powell 0
1262 Alternative to ham actor getting final part in "Death of a Salesman", one in supporting role (10) BE(_N)EF+ACTOR AuLeaf 0