Started by dohz

Tank a question you answer right - I underlined 1000 (8)

def: Tank
A = A
Q = Question
U = You
A = Answer
R = Right
I = I
U = Underlined
M = 1000

Submitted by EricFox53

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9852 Tank a question you answer right - I underlined 1000 (8) def: Tank
A = A
Q = Question
U = You
A = Answer
R = Right
I = I
U = Underlined
M = 1000
EricFox53 3
9859 Schoolhouse resizes a constellation? (8) Schoolhouse - def, home to a school of fish
resizes - S->M
a constellation - AQUARIUS
dpad 2
9846 Aquinas' "Scriptum super libros Sententiarium" contents dropped into fish tank (8) contents - hidden "word" (INASSCRIPTUMSUPERLIBROSSENTENTI)
dropped - deleted
into - link
fish tank - def
Botaku 0