CORN (4)

Started by level

Cob of really nourishing origins! (4)

C_ O_ R_ N_ (origins = first letters)

Submitted by EricFox53

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9955 Cob of really nourishing origins! (4) &lit
C_ O_ R_ N_ (origins = first letters)
EricFox53 2
9948 Pluck a seed, get an earful? (4) Pluck A = drop A
seed = ACORN
get = link
an earful = corn (measured by the ear)
dpad 1
9941 ||One hundred horny, naked country girls make do with it|| (4) C+(-h)ORN(-y)

level this is all your fault
dohz 0
9943 Protuberance of horn for conservative at the fringe (4) def: protuberance (i.e. callous on the foot:
wp: (h->C)ORN
rpl 0