Started by lavaloid

When solving a cryptic on drugs, didn't quite finish (14)

Reverse cryptic clue: "when solving a cryptic" = indicator for reverse cryptic clue.
ON DRUGS didn't quite finish = ON DRUG
Reverse cryptic "GROUND BREAKING" = ONDRUG* with "breaking" as anagram indicator.

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9983 When solving a cryptic on drugs, didn't quite finish (14) Reverse cryptic clue: "when solving a cryptic" = indicator for reverse cryptic clue.
ON DRUGS didn't quite finish = ON DRUG
Reverse cryptic "GROUND BREAKING" = ONDRUG* with "breaking" as anagram indicator.
Firetruck 2
9988 Innovative drill, perhaps? (14) Ddef
A drill bores holes into the ground
Neeerd 2