FIRE (4)

Started by Space_Kalak

Get rid of part of Ireland (4)

part (hidden word) oF IREland
get rid of = FIRE

Submitted by dylanamite

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10008 Get rid of part of Ireland (4) part (hidden word) oF IREland
get rid of = FIRE
dylanamite 1
10006 *Zero Time Dilemma*'s Carlos fights with this axe (4) FIRE (ddef)
AuLeaf 0
10007 "Element what's got atomic number 26" describes iron? Not half! (4) def: element (as in classical)
what's got atomic number 26: Fᴇ [iron]
describes: includicator
iron? Not half: IR(-on)
[giving F(IR)E]
AuLeaf 0
10009 Shoot rifle angrily, losing life (4) FIRE(-l)* Neeerd 0
10010 Report to outskirts of Fuji with reply (4) report = fire (gunfire)
outskirts of fuji = FI
reply = RE
jovi_al 0
10019 Dismiss odds of FBI order (4) def: "dismiss"
"odds of FBI order" = (F)b(I) o(R)d(E)r
EricFox53 0
10038 Tree's ending in flame! (4) &lit
FIR (tree) + flamE (ending in flame)
Firetruck 0