Started by wolf

Group of five from Qinghai's capital united during Lunar New Year (7)

Q_+U+IN+TET = Group of five

Submitted by Neeerd

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10164 Group of five from Qinghai's capital united during Lunar New Year (7) Q_+U+IN+TET = Group of five Neeerd 2
10169 Time-consuming self-replicating program's central feature is a small band (7) Time = T
consuming = contained in
self-replicating program = QUINE
central feaTure
is a = link
small band = definition
dpad 1
10155 Confusing Puzzlers Club feature going on and on endlessly! (7) "Confusing Puzzlers Club feature" = QUINT, whose references are often [0]ed.
"going on and on endlessly" = ET(-c).
&lit: Quintet is a recursively infinite logic puzzle shared in Puzzlers Club by Jamie Hargrove
SoftFro 0