Started by Space_Kalak

Hot RPG thrown, finish off evac in blizzard (9)

Hot RPG = def
THROW_ EVAC = thrown, finish off evac
in blizzard = anagrind

Submitted by rpl

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10422 Hot RPG thrown, finish off evac in blizzard (9) Hot RPG = def
THROW_ EVAC = thrown, finish off evac
in blizzard = anagrind
rpl 0
10432 Game on a timer (9) Game = definition
on = OVER
a timer = WATCH
dpad 0
10433 Safeguard and move central water supply to Switzerland (9) def = Safeguard, link = and
_OV_ ("central") ERWAT* ("supply") + CH ("Switzerland")

supply (adverb of supple) means free-flowing
rpl 0