XEME (4)

Started by rpl

Bird's two pronouns (4)

def: bird
XE + ME (both are pronouns)

Submitted by Buck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10713 Bird's two pronouns (4) def: bird
XE + ME (both are pronouns)
Buck 2
10709 Cross out Jamie Hargrove's first bird (4) cryptic: jamie hargrove is a pc MEME, cross out the first letter to get XEME
def: xeme is bird
Taargus 0
10718 Ximenes, without contacts, cooks a bird (4) XiMEnEs = anagram fodder
without contacts = drop INS
cooks = anagrind
a bird = definition
dpad 0