@ME (3)

Started by rpl

Bad team! Don't do this! (3)

not an &lit, just emphatic
defn = don't @me
anag. TEAM to ATME (this is legit right?)

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10732 Bad team! Don't do this! (3) not an &lit, just emphatic
defn = don't @me
anag. TEAM to ATME (this is legit right?)
quatrevingtneuf 3
10739 Shift two pieces of media equipment to the left for people promoting tourism (3) Shift two = @ on a keyboard
pieces of media equipment to the left = first letters of media equipment = ME
for = connector
people promoting tourism = @me on twitter, a page associated with maine tourism.
skaldskaparmal 2