Started by rpl

Toothpaste vials found to contain artificial sweetener (6)

toothpaSTE VIAls
found to contain = hidden word
artificial sweetener = definition

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10786 Toothpaste vials found to contain artificial sweetener (6) toothpaSTE VIAls
found to contain = hidden word
artificial sweetener = definition
dpad 5
10778 Stave it off, drop the tea, you might put it in your tea (6) anagram "stave it" and drop a T

That's a real popular song! Who wants to hear of it fifty times more?
Taargus 1
10787 Robot screens returning sweetener (6) robot = AI
screens = VETS
returning = reversal indicator
sweetener = STEVIA = >AIVETS
rÿàń 0