Started by vi0let

With boards, without birds (5)

With = W
without = SANS
boards = insertion
birds = S(W)ANS

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10821 With boards, without birds (5) With = W
without = SANS
boards = insertion
birds = S(W)ANS
skaldskaparmal 2
10827 Game saw Magnus making regular sacrifices (5) Game = definition, one of the collective nouns for a group of swans is a game (per wiki)
SaW mAgNuS
making regular sacrifices = every other letter
dpad 2
10822 Some down stock exchanges to reverse charges (5) Def: some down stock (like feathers)
reverse charges: P -> N
Firetruck 0