ZZZ (3)

Started by dohz

Last character in topless musical group makes noise in bed (3)

Last character = Z
in = insertion
topless musical group = ZZ (-top)
Z(Z)Z = noise in bed

Submitted by skaldskaparmal

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10917 Last character in topless musical group makes noise in bed (3) Last character = Z
in = insertion
topless musical group = ZZ (-top)
Z(Z)Z = noise in bed
skaldskaparmal 1
10916 Captain Viridian's game featuring unusual gravity and sleep (3) this one is quite silly! Captain Viridian's game is VVVVVV, but the "gravity" of this word is unusual - some V's now point down-left, and some V's point up-right! this gives us ZZZ (sleep) Taargus 0
10918 Snore as last bit of Rush song is put on loop (3) Rush song = YYZ
last bit of YYZ is put on loop = ZZZ = snore
lavaloid 0