Started by rpl

Bizarre opening, placing king's ass at the start clearly out there! (9)


Bizarre opening: B_
placing: ON
king's ass: _G
at the start clearly: C_
out there: LOUD (flashy, garish)

Submitted by wolf

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11196 Bizarre opening, placing king's ass at the start clearly out there! (9) &lit

Bizarre opening: B_
placing: ON
king's ass: _G
at the start clearly: C_
out there: LOUD (flashy, garish)
wolf 5
11198 Bad opening... Oh? No, winning in the end... it's up in the air?! (9) &lit (ok, semi &lit)

Bad opening = B
Oh? No = ON
winning in the end = G
It's up in the air? = CLOUD
bigstuffedcat 2
11214 Result of burning up a royal movement? (9) ddef (result of burning up || a royal movement) vi0let 2
11220 Chess strategy famously used by grandmasters is to hit the head loudly, so it's said (9) Chess strategy famously used by grandmasters = def
is = connector
to hit the head = BONK
loudly = LOUD (as an adverb)
so it's said = homophone indicator
noneuclidean 1