Started by dohz

My obsession? Hearing a ghoul scream. (5, 5)

My obsession = definition
Hearing = homophone
ghoul scream = WIGHT WAIL

Submitted by dpad

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11328 My obsession? Hearing a ghoul scream. (5, 5) My obsession = definition
Hearing = homophone
ghoul scream = WIGHT WAIL
dpad 5
11327 Reverend to stop during fruitless endeavour (5, 5) WAIT WHILE spoonerism vi0let 2
11317 Target obsessively pursued recklessly with a wheel (5, 5) anagrind <withawheel> l_powell 1
11323 Re:Zero beast bit then let air out with expelling kiss (5, 5) WHIT ("bit") + EXHALE ("let air out") with W ("with") replacing X ("kiss") = WHIT+E{x->W}HALE = beast from the light novel/anime Re:Zero Sp3000 0