Started by dohz

Stomp former student in annual riddle event (7)

stomp - def
former student - ALUM
in - insertion indicator
annual riddle event - GPH, short for Galactic Puzzle Hunt

Submitted by Botaku

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11344 Stomp former student in annual riddle event (7) stomp - def
former student - ALUM
in - insertion indicator
annual riddle event - GPH, short for Galactic Puzzle Hunt
Botaku 5
11345 Clumsily move and hump gal in a messy way (7) Def: Clumsily move
Wordplay: Anagram (in a messy way) of HUMPGAL
(Note: I'm very sorry)
InvalidD 1