Started by phenomist

On the table, I eat after 10 (6)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1604 On the table, I eat after 10 (6) 10+DINE AuLeaf 3
1605 I feast, following priestess of Hera (6) DINE after IO, def. "I" Deusovi 2
1619 Actress Skye coats princess with antiseptic (6) antiseptic = def
("with" as connector...??)
sarathegood 2
1608 Hesiod ineptly conceals thyroid treatment (6) hes(IOD INE)ptly l_powell 1
1606 One Roman and one Russian discover new element (6) I+ODIN+_E_
skaldskaparmal 0
1610 Element not found by throat hump ...that is, around Wednesday (God...) (6) I(ODIN)E

Element not found by throat hump - definition, as a "throat hump" (goitre) is caused by a lack of iodine
abean077 0