Started by abean077

Painter of happy little trees is embraced by heartless girl at club in a vulgar way (7)

G_(ROSS)_L + Y
def = in a vulgar way

Submitted by sarathegood

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1686 Painter of happy little trees is embraced by heartless girl at club in a vulgar way (7) G_(ROSS)_L + Y
def = in a vulgar way
sarathegood 5
1704 Glossary contents reordered with “a” entry excised, unacceptably (7) G (ROSSL*) Y -a
sarathegood 2
1703 Excessively sly after beginning of gallant, limitless prose (7) G + p(ROS)e + SLY l_powell 1