Started by AuLeaf

Dude spilled wine on chocolate square (7)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1814 Dude spilled wine on chocolate square (7) BRO+WNIE* AuLeaf 3
1812 Keep stuffing a soft cheese and chocolate dessert (7) OWN stuffing BRIE Linus 2
1817 “Elf” actress Larson features now playing (7) BR(*OWN)IE = elf sarathegood 1
1810 Chocolate colour that is in Latin dessert, kind of (7) BROWN+IE ('That is' in Latin)
Dessert, kind of: def.
RainedMirror 0
1815 Direction following sibling returning one German baked good (7) W following BRO + NIE< l_powell 0
1816 Future Girl Scout arranged iron web (7) IRONWEB* l_powell 0