THE SUN (3, 3)

Started by madjaqk

Tabloid about schizo: "He nuts" (3,3)

Sorry for the tasteless anagrind

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1855 Tabloid about schizo: "He nuts" (3,3) Sorry for the tasteless anagrind prawo 2
1869 Our star actor takes a turn filling in for actress Zadora (3,3) Our star: def
takes a turn filling in for actress Zadora: replace PIA with U
SoftFro 2
1857 She haphazardly separated almond, perhaps, returning to heat source? (3,3) SHE* contained by TUN<

Sun is def for heat source

Figured heat source def of sun needed ?
l_powell 1
1868 Here comes this, per Beatles song covered by Barthes undertaker (3, 3) "Here Comes the Sun"
BarTHES UNdertaker
sarathegood 1