DIE/DICE (3/4)

Started by RainedMirror

Ultimately solid ice cubes scattered over a table (4)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1998 Ultimately solid ice cubes scattered over a table (4) _D+ICE AuLeaf 5
2002 Role-playing game component that is seen after dungeon's start (3) DIE = IE (that is) after D (dungeon's start) mstang107 5
1999 Chop Yahtzee supplies (4) Ddef l_powell 2
2001 Advise short odds for one at the casino, perhaps (3) (-a)D(-v)I(-s)E AuLeaf 2
1996 One could head into empty drugstore for game equipment, sometimes (?) either "I could head into D_E" or "I+C_ into D_E"
defn is" game equipment, sometimes"
ManyPinkHats 1
2007 Chop up 99 in Deleware (3) D(IC)E madjaqk 1