Started by wolf

Recognition of layered patterns of entreaty among Elks to mix gin after tonic, essentially (4,8)

Recognition of layered patterns = DEE(PLEA)R+_N_+ING*

Submitted by Akumu

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2151 Recognition of layered patterns of entreaty among Elks to mix gin after tonic, essentially (4,8) Recognition of layered patterns = DEE(PLEA)R+_N_+ING* Akumu 0
2152 Wildly enlarged pine tree to organize data (4, 8) tree to organize data = ENLARGEDPINE*, maybe. How to define deep learning?? Akumu 0
2153 Type of education with many convoluted steps and a high dropout rate? (4, 8) Cryptic definition only. A typical deep learning model (like the one I'm training now :P) might have a series of convolutional filters, and use 'dropout' to avoid overfitting. Linus 0