Started by mstang107

Once again, stirring movement during sleep at nine (5)

Once again stirring: def (RE-MIX)
movement during sleep: REM
nine: IX

Submitted by wolf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2407 Once again, stirring movement during sleep at nine (5) Once again stirring: def (RE-MIX)
movement during sleep: REM
nine: IX
wolf 2
2413 Latin king gets 1001 songs mashed together (5) REX (latin king) + MI (1001); def "songs mashed together" quatrevingtneuf 1
2419 "Possibly Maybe" 2018 cover? (5) Re 1009 could be 2018 phenomist 1
2406 Leaked premiere of Ed Sheeran's album has no original content, just old ideas reimagined. (5) _REMI_+X
Def: "has no original content, just old ideas reimagined"
Penzo 0
2416 Reuse material from translated song lyrics fragments surrounding a vinyl (5) ddef: reuse material / translated song lyrics fragments surrounding a vinyl Timwi 0
2418 Two-thirds scratch by fresh cut (5) (do-)RE-MI + X / fresh cut
do-re-mi = slang for money = scratch
zonotope 0