Started by dylanamite

Within pubs, I blabber about the shape of rugby posts (6)

(pubS I BLABber)< / “the shape of rugby posts”

Submitted by Idontknow

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2569 Within pubs, I blabber about the shape of rugby posts (6) (pubS I BLABber)< / “the shape of rugby posts” Idontknow 4
2566 Eating herbal biscuits makes two sides connect (6) _BAL BIS_ = "Two sides connect" Penzo 1
2567 Nonsense about heartless cover-up for capital hotel (6) BS about AL(-i)BI / capital Hotel = H (NATO alphabet) EpicToast 0
2578 A shape with right angles has a degree of endless euphoric bliss (6) A degree: B.A.
endless euphoric bliss: [BLIS(-s)*]
wolf 0